In addition to family law and real estate mediation, Lion of Justice, LLC can assist you with conflict resolution matters pertaining to personal injury accidents, all matters pertaining to personal injury, business, civil, insurance, online mediations, and other general matters so as to facilitate your ongoing mediation needs.
TRANSFORMATIVE MEDIATION: Focuses on empowering disputants to resolve conflicts and to recognize the others needs and interests. At its most ambitious, the process aims to transform the parties and their relationship through the process of acquiring the skills they need to make constructive changes to reach settlement.
COURT MANDATED MEDIATION: Mandated by a court that is interested in promoting a speedy and cost efficient settlement.
E-MEDIATION: Provide mediation services to parties who are located at a distance from one another, or whos conflict is so strong they cannot stand to be in the same room. The mediation services are completely automated through an online dispute resolution system using Zoom.
• Schedule an appointment (if the date you desire is not
available please contact our office and we will try to
accommodate your needs);
• Complete initial paperwork and return via-email;
• Send case fact sheet and supporting documents;
• Depending on your case, briefly meet regarding the
facts of your case via-Zoom or via-teleconference;
• Mediate, settle, and sign settlement docs; and
• We will process court mandated docs, if necessary.
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